
Rectal Cancer: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment

The rectum begins at the end segment of the colon, and ends when it reaches a short, narrow passage called the anus. The cancerous growth in the rectum is called rectal cancer. The rectum is a small section of the large intestine. Constipation, bloody stool, or bowel pain are a few symptoms of rectal cancer. Early on, the outlook for those with this type of cancer can be very positive’ however, it can become quite poor as time goes by. We prepared this blog to help our readers understand deeper aspects about rectal cancer.

Rectal Cancer Overview

The rectum is a lower portion of the colon which connects the large bowel with the anus. The primary purpose of the rectum is to store formed stools in preparation for evacuation. When cells in the rectum grow uncontrollably and mutate, they can develop rectal cancer. It can also occur when polyps on the inner surface of the rectum become cancerous.

Adenocarcinoma is the most common form of rectal cancer that arises from the mucosa. Cancer cells may also spread to lymph nodes from the rectum on their way to another part of the body. The prognosis of rectal cancer is similar to colon cancer as it depends on the extent of the cancer spread. Since, the rectum is a part of the colon located in the pelvis; it poses additional treatment challenges when compared to colon cancer.

Rectal Cancer Symptoms

You may have rectal cancer for years without noticing any symptoms or changes in your body. Rectal cancers can be silent with no signs, however, some people might notice the symptoms listed below:

  • Vague abdominal pain
  • Blood in the stool
  • Changes in the shape of the stool
  • Fatigue
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • A sudden change in how and when you poop.
  • Tiredness
  • Weakness
  • Abdominal pain

Risk Factors

Listed below are a few risk factors that can cause a person to develop Rectal Cancer:

  • Advancing age
  • Smoking
  • Family history of colon or rectal cancer
  • High-fat diet
  • Personal or family history of polyps or colorectal cancer
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Consuming alcohol
  • Having obesity
  • Eating red or processed meat
  • Using androgen replacement therapy
  • Having had a cholecystectomy

Rectal Cancer Stages

Mentioned below is the rectal cancer progression of rectal cancer into five stages: 

Stage 0: Cancerous cells present on the surface lining of the rectum.

Stage 1: Cells often spread to the mucosal layer.

Stage 2: During this stage, the cancerous cells spread through the rectal wall.

Stage 3: Entering to this stage means tumor cells attack lymph glands.

Stage 4: The last stage where tumors develop in other organs or parts of the body.

Rectal Cancer Diagnosis

The diagnosis of rectal cancer can be made by combining the following symptoms:

Screening Tests and Physical Examination

Beginning with a medical history and a physical examination, the doctor may even insert a gloved finger into your rectum to evaluate the lumps. Next, the doctor may even recommend a fecal immunochemical test or a sigmoidoscopy. These tests are scheduled differently depending on your condition and risk. If the results of these tests show that cancer is present, then the next step is colonoscopy.


A doctor will use a thin, flexible tube with a camera and light at its end to examine the rectum. And if they spot any polyps growth during this, they remove them. The doctor can collect tissue samples during the colonoscopy for later laboratory examination. The doctors then examine the cancer. 

Blood Tests

Next, a doctor may also ask for a blood test because high levels of carcinoembryonic produced by cancerous tumors, may indicate rectal cancer.

Imaging Tests

Imaging tests are another cancer diagnosis method to determine the cancer spread. A doctor can use endorectal ultrasonography to examine the rectum. A doctor inserts a small probe into the rectum to create a sonogram.

Other imaging tests may include:

  • CT or PET scans can help doctors see the extent of cancerous cells in the colon, rectum and other organs.
  • MRI can help doctors determine the stage of cancer.

Treatment Options

The treatment method for rectal cancer may depend on several factors, including the stage of cancer and the location of tumors. Based on such factors, a professional doctor will create a reliable treatment strategy for your rectal cancer condition:


Surgery might be a reliable treatment option in the early stages. To remove cancerous tissue from the rectal area, the doctors may use the most suitable surgical techniques. The type of surgery will depend on the general health of the patient, the stage and location of the tumor, along with their overall health. 


Chemotherapy can work for rectal cancer when the tumor spreads into nearby lymph nodes or has infiltrated the wall of the colon. Organs are composed of cells which divide and multiply when the body requires them. These cells can multiply without reason, resulting in a growth or mass, also known as a tumor.

Chemotherapy eliminates these rapidly multiplying renegade cells. The rectal cancer treatment may include chemotherapy before or after surgery, and it may also be combined with radiation therapy.

Radiation Therapy

Another treatment option for treating rectal cancer that uses high-energy beams of radiation to shrink tumors, and destroy cancer cells. Radiation therapy causes cancer cells to die by damaging their DNA and can be used in combination with chemotherapy.


Cancer immunotherapy is a form of treatment that uses medicine to help the immune system destroy cancer cells. Immunotherapy in rectal cancer can be performed before or after surgery. Also, it can treat cancer which has spread beyond the rectum. Only a few people with rectal cancer can benefit from immunotherapy. Consult with a cancer specialist.

Do women face the same symptoms of rectal cancer?

Early signs of rectal cancer are similar for both men and women. However, premenopausal women should not confuse symptoms of rectal carcinoma with menstrual problems. Speak to your doctor about any concerns you may have, particularly if the bloating doesn’t disappear or occurs with unexplained loss of weight.


Listed below are a few tips to prevent rectal cancer:

  • Maintain a healthy weight. Ask your healthcare provider for advice if you are not sure.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Avoid eating processed meat. Have a balanced diet that includes whole grains, lean proteins, and plenty of leafy greens.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol-containing beverages.
  • Don’t smoke.

Wrapping Up!

We tried our best to cover every relatable aspect about Rectal Cancer, including its symptoms, causes, stages, diagnosis and treatment. You may not feel any symptoms at all or only have minor ones; however, when you may feel symptoms, it may already be too late. 

The expert doctors at Samsara Cancer Care are well-trained to recognize when symptoms indicate a serious condition and can diagnose the disease following proper techniques. Our rectal cancer specialist Dr.Sameeksha at Samsara Cancer Care treats all types and stages of the disease. Book your appointment today!


Colonoscopy Test: Everything You Need To Know

A colonoscopy is a diagnostic test that helps to identify possible problems, like polyps or colon cancer. Polyps are tiny growths. However, they’re not cancerous; they could develop into cancer. You may also undergo this test to determine the problems with your bowels, including bleeding, shift in bowel movements or any other issues.

Every year thousands of patients undergo a colonoscopy test as part of their regular medical examination. However, there are many who don’t know the importance of having a colonoscopy, and some don’t know what they can expect from this procedure. For your convenience, we covered everything related to a colonoscopy test like what is the procedure all about, prep methods and the expectations for this test in this blog piece. 

Colonoscopy Test Overview

A medical procedure that determines the health of the rectum and colon using an instrument called colonoscope. A colonoscopy is a visual examination of the internal large intestine which comprises your colon, rectum and the anus. It is like an endoscopy procedure as it involves a colonoscope, which is a flexible tube illuminated with a camera on one end to view the inside of the body.

In a colonoscopy procedure, the colonoscope travels through your anus and rectum before entering your colon. Being there, it displays images showing the inside of your intestine on the screen.

The test helps for detecting the presence of tumors, polyps or inflammation or bleeding in the colon and the rectum. Moreover, it also helps with the identification of cancerous growth in the colon. The colonoscopy assists in identifying the signs such as unusual stomach pain, unprovoked diarrhea and bloody stool.

Colonoscopy Types

Listed below are the two main types of colonoscopy and to find the suitable one, people discuss their conditions with an expert:

Screening Colonoscopy

A screening colonoscopy is a routine test that determines the colon health. A person may need an examination for colon cancer screening if they show no signs of colorectal cancer, or have no previous experience of polyps or colon cancer, or even do not have any family history for colon cancer.

Diagnostic Colonoscopy

The doctors suggest diagnostic colonoscopy when a person exhibits signs of illness or have family background for colon cancer. This kind of colonoscopy may work if the patient suffers from anemia caused by iron deficiency, constant abdominal pain, bloody stool or persistent change in stool habits.

Why Should You Get a Colonoscopy?

Your doctor may suggest the colonoscopy procedure for a variety of reasons. A popular reason for having the procedure is to detect colon cancer. People who are above 50 years old are more susceptible to developing colon cancer and need screening for the same.

You may also need a colonoscopy if you are experiencing nausea, vomiting or blood in stool. The procedure involves an examination to find the reason for these symptoms.

Another reason for this procedure is if you have a family history of colon cancer, or the personal experience with polyps. Ignoring these signs can put you at a higher chance of getting cancer. A colonoscopy can be an examination for screening and a medical procedure that removes any polyps.

The Colonoscopy Test Procedure

A device called a colonoscope is essential to conduct tests. The instrument has a flexible, long thin measuring around 5 feet long and 1-inch in width, including a fiber optic camera to the other end. The experts insert a colonoscope through the rectum, and then upwards to the colon’s beginning and allow the doctor to view and inspect the colon inside.

The doctors usually recommend a colonoscopy when a patient shows indication of any digestive illness or showing signs of serious conditions that affect the colon. Some signs and symptoms are:

  • Bleeding in rectum/motions/stools that could be black, bright red or extremely dark.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen
  • Unknown, non-dietary weight loss
  • Changes in the bowel habits
  • Recurrent anemia (low hemoglobin)

What Can I Expect During The Colonoscopy Test?

A colonoscopy usually takes 30 to 60 minutes depending on if the doctor needs to remove polyps or perform biopsies. Patients can expect to stay waiting for up to three hours to ensure adequate preparation and healing.

During the procedure, a doctor inserts the colonoscope into the anus and into the colon and rectum. Air gets pumped through the colon to increase its circumference to allow an easier view of the interior. Doctors may give general anesthesia or conscious sedation during a colonoscopy. If the doctors spot polyps, they can take them out at this point. Moreover, if they discover any abnormal tissue, the doctors can perform a biopsy.

Although you will not feel any pain throughout the procedure, it is possible that you could experience bloating and cramping in your abdomen for an hour following colonoscopy.

A professional doctor may discuss alternatives for anesthesia ahead of the procedure. The doctor may also review some important signs of your body, ensuring your comfort throughout the entire process.

How Should You Prepare for a Colonoscopy?

Your doctor may advise you to cleanse your colon one day prior to your colonoscopy. The residue could block the vision through the colonoscope. Listed below are a few things that must do to prep for your colonoscopy test:

Eat a special diet: The eating habits restrict to consuming specific amounts of fluids, a day before the exam. You must avoid taking dairy products or carbonated drinks before the test. You may also be told to stay clear of liquids that have red dye because it could be mistaken as blood in the course of treatment.

Laxatives: The doctor may suggest an oral laxative prior to and in the morning before the procedure. 

Get an enema: A enema is a reliable method of emptying the lower portion in the colon.

Make any adjustments to medications: Provide your doctor with the complete details about the medications you are currently taking. They might need some altercation, so you must notify your doctor at least one week before your appointment.

Is colonoscopy painful?

If you are sedated, you won’t be experiencing pain inside the colon. This is true even if an expert removes tissue, or uses laser therapy inside your colon. However, you may feel some gas-related pressure or pain with the insertion of a colonoscopy through your colon. This is because the colonoscope releases CO2 gas through your colon, which inflates it to improve the visual. It’s usually not too noticeable once the inflation process is complete. You’ll lie in a fetal position in a hospital bed and might even be sleeping.

Results That You Can Expect From a Colonoscopy

A negative result occurs when your doctor doesn’t detect any anomalies during the colonoscopy. If that happens the doctor will suggest that you have your next colonoscopy after ten years. If, however, you’re at risk of developing cancer, you’ll be required to repeat the procedure within five years. If your doctor is unable to take an accurate image of the colon due to any obstruction, then you’ll be required to repeat the procedure within one year.

Positive results are when a doctor discovers polyps or abnormalities in your colon. If you’ve got polyps, the doctors will remove them and send them to the lab for examination. Most polyps are not cancerous, however, they can indicate development of cancerous cells. It is possible that you will require more thorough screening, based on the dimensions and amount of polyps.

Colonoscopy Risks and Side Effects

Although colonoscopy tests generally associate with only a small risk, there are occasions when complications could occur, for example:

  • An adverse reaction to sedatives administered during the exam.
  • Bleeding in the area the specimen of tissue was taken or where a polyp, or another unnatural tissue was taken.
  • A tear, or perforation within the colon’s wall or the rectum.

Wrapping Up!

We tried our best to cover every relatable aspect about colonoscopy tests that a person must know if they face the symptoms mentioned above. At Samsara Cancer Care, we recognize the important role that colonoscopy plays when diagnosing and addressing these hidden problems. Our team of experts has unmatched experience in dealing with complexities related to colon health. With the most innovative technology, including high-resolution colonoscopes and advanced imaging techniques, our experts reveal the hidden. With a constant commitment to excellence and patient health, we illuminate the way towards a healthier digestive future. 


Breast MRI To Detect Breast Cancer: Purpose, Results, Risks

A breast MRI is an image-based test that provides clear images of breast tissues. Health professionals typically utilize it to determine the presence of breast cancer. MRI is highly sensitive to breast cancer screening; however, it also reveals things that require monitoring and/or biopsy, but aren’t cancerous. This is why the breast MRI is utilized as a screening tool (with mammography) for those who are at a higher risk of developing breast cancer. This is also a good method to determine if a patient has specific symptoms or a history of breast cancer.

Breast MRI Overview

MRI is an imaging technique that uses strong magnetic fields to capture images of breast tissue. It combines the power of radio waves and magnetic fields to produce a computerized image of the breast’s structures. While the breast MRI may provide a highly clear image, sometimes, it can be used to detect breast cancer in women at risk. The procedure is commonly used for the screening and diagnosis of breast cancer.

The doctors suggest breast MRI to analyze the cancerous cells and their spread and location in your body. Moreover, the process can help the doctor determine a suitable treatment plan and observe the extent to which your breast cancer treatment is working.

Purpose of Test

MRI is an imaging method that is carried out from the outside of your body (non invasive). It does not expose your body to radiation or breast compression. MRI offers much details about soft tissues when compared to X-rays, CT scans or ultrasound.

The doctors usually advise breast MRI for women who received a cancer diagnosis. This is basically a way to determine the tumor size, while also detecting tumors in the opposite breast. A breast MRI is also a good option to screen breast cancer and also to check the patient’s health following cancer treatment.

Why Is Breast MRI Done?

Mentioned below are the top reasons why doctors advise Breast MRI for women with high cancer risk:

  • To Detect Breast Cancer

Certain women are at high risk of developing Breast cancer. While MRI may detect cancers that cannot be seen in mammograms however, it is also more likely to identify things that don’t turn out to be cancerous (called false positives). It can lead to women having tests and/or biopsies that don’t end up being required. This is the reason MRI is not suggested as an examination for women who are at average risk of developing breast cancer.

  • Determining the Severity of Breast Cancer

If breast cancer gets detected, the breast MRI can determine the size and cancer spread in the patient. Moreover, this can be helpful to determine the presence of cancer cells in the opposite breasts. The breast MRI can be a bit ineffective when it comes to this situation, and not every woman with confirmed breast cancer should undergo this test.

  • To Look for Silicone Breast Implants Leak

For women who have silicone breast implants implanted, breast MRI is a way to determine if there are leaks in the implant. It isn’t recommended in women who have saline implants.

  • To Check For The Breast Cancer Symptoms

Doctors may suggest Breast MRI to check for the cancer symptoms like abnormal discharge from the nipple, etc. Other tests that involve imaging like mammograms or breast ultrasounds are generally performed prior to MRI; however, MRI is usually preferred if the results from these tests aren’t clear.

Difference Between the Breast MRI and Mammogram

Healthcare professionals use mammograms and MRIs to detect breast cancer and other irregularities.

However, mammograms are typically the first choice for screening and diagnosing breast cancer in women above 40 years of age, in particular because mammograms are the sole imaging test that can reliably detect microcalcifications, which is the first indicator of certain breast cancers.

Breast MRIs can be used in younger females and can reveal cancers that mammograms may miss. However, they also have the possibility to misinterpret benign breast tissues as cancerous that could result in a false-positive diagnosis.

How do I prepare for an MRI Breast?

Before you undergo an MRI, the doctor will explain the procedure, while also reviewing your entire medical and physical background. You must inform the doctor of any medications you are taking or about any allergies you have.

Also, you must inform your doctor if:

  • You have any medical implantations as they could affect the test results.
  • Any allergic reactions to the contrast dye.
  • You’ve been diagnosed with kidney issues.
  • You’re pregnant or you believe you might get pregnant or you’re nursing

The breast MRIs aren’t considered to be safe during pregnancy. Women breastfeeding must not breastfeed their children for two days after an MRI test.

It is also crucial to plan for your MRI before your menstrual cycle begins. The ideal time for your MRI is between days 7-14 of your menstrual period.

A MRI machine is situated in an enclosed, tight space, so you must inform your doctor if you’re claustrophobic. They could give you sedatives to help calm down. In the most extreme instances, the doctor might prefer open MRI, where the device isn’t as near to you as it is. An experienced doctor can well describe the options available to you.

Procedure: What Happens During the Breast MRI?

When undergoing the breast MRI, the patients will be informed about the events during the procedure. Mentioned below are a few steps that a person may expect breast MRI: 

  • The patient is laid face-down on a padded table specifically designed for breast MRIs. The table has special openings to allow breasts to be examined and scanned without being squeezed or flattened.
  • The table and patient then get in the MRI machine, which appears like a tube or tunnel; however, they are much more flexible.
  • A MRI operator and patient may talk via an intercom and this way the operator can provide instructions throughout the procedure.
  • The patient is expected to remain still during the time where two to six photos are captured. The MRI machine can sound a loud tapping noise when it is taking photos. It is normal for breasts to feel warm during an MRI and certain patients might feel that they require going to the bathroom.

The MRI process usually takes around 30 minutes; however, sometimes longer in the event where the doctor has to repeat any image.

Getting Results

Your radiologist will submit the results about an MRI to your doctor and the doctor will then analyze the MRI reports to plan a suitable treatment strategy for your condition. 

Risks of Breast MRI

There’s no evidence that magnetic fields or radio waves present in breast MRI are harmful in any way. However, if you’re pregnant and suffering from any other clinical condition, convey it to your doctor immediately.

Mentioned below are other things about breast MRI that you must keep in your mind:

False-Positive Results: An MRI does not always differentiate between cancerous and noncancerous tumors. This means that it can only detect growths that appear to be cancerous, but they aren’t. It is possible to get a biopsy to verify the findings of the test which involves the surgical removal of a small amount of the tissue found in your suspected lump.

Allergy Reaction to Contrast Dye: During an MRI, a dye gets injected in your bloodstream to make images more clear. This dye is proven to trigger allergic reactions, causing serious complications for those suffering from kidney issues.

Wrapping up!

We tried our best to cover every relatable aspect about Breast MRI that a patient must know. It basically refers to a procedure that the doctors perform to detect cancer and its spread in women with high risk. We discussed everything from purpose to preparation and expectation during the whole MRI process above.

Although it is safe, a breast MRI could cause anxiety to some patients. However, having a professional like Dr. Sameeksha at Samsara Cancer Care by your side, you can be assured to have a smooth journey.


Esophageal Cancer Overview: A Comprehensive Guide

Esophageal Cancer is a condition when cancerous cells develop in the esophagus, which is the tube-like structure that runs from your throat down to your stomach. Cancer begins at the inner layer and can spread throughout the layers of the esophagus, also affecting other parts of your body. During the early stages, you might find it difficult to diagnose this type of cancer. However, understanding it in a comprehensive manner will help you manage the condition better. This blog will cover all the relatable aspects about Esophageal Cancer, along with its symptoms, causes and treatment options.

Esophageal Cancer Overview

Esophageal cancer is one of India’s most common cancers. The esophageal tumor primarily develops in the inner lining of the esophagus that can spread outward gradually to other layers or inwards towards the lumen as well as to nearby organs and lymph nodes.

Patients with esophageal cancer often experience swallowing problems, chest pain, bloody cough, blood in vomit, chest burn, indigestion and weight loss.  However, it can occur in any age group, the risk of esophageal cancer is higher for people aged 45 and older.

During the early stages of esophageal cancer, you might not feel symptoms associated with this type of cancer. Once the symptoms appear, the disease progresses quickly and therefore, it becomes important not to ignore any symptoms.

Esophageal Cancer Types

Mentioned below are the two forms of Esophagus cancer:

  • Adenocarcinoma: A condition that mostly occurs in the lower portion of the esophagus.
  • Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A condition that usually starts in the middle and upper part of the esophagus.

Signs and Symptoms

Listed below are a few symptoms associated with Esophageal Cancer:

  • difficult or painful swallowing
  • new heartburn
  • reflux that doesn’t go away
  • vomit that has blood in it
  • black or bloody stools
  • unexplained fatigue
  • feeling of choking when swallowing
  • feeling of discomfort in the upper abdomen
  • unexplained weight loss.

Esophageal Cancer Stages

Since the esophageal cancer stage depends on the location, spread and tissues involved, listed below are the stages of this cancer:

Stage 0: This is the most initial stage of this cancer where the presence of abnormal cells in the esophageal inner lining is not cancerous.

Stage I: The presence of cancerous cells on the inner lining esophagus

Stage II: Cancer has spread to the outer layer of the esophagus, affecting one-two lymph nodes.

Stage III: Cancer spreads to deeper tissues, nearby organs and other tissues.

Stage IV: This is the most advanced stage of esophageal cancer that can spread to distant organs.

What is the impact of esophageal cancer on my body?

This type of cancer occurs when cancerous cells multiply in the esophageal tissues, eventually forming a tumor. Esophageal Cancer is aggressive but most people do not notice symptoms until the cancer has spread. Your esophagus expands to accommodate large things like big bites of food. The tumor starts to grow and block the opening of your esophagus and you may find it difficult to swallow or feel pain, often starting like need of water to swallow down the solid food and slowly increasing, so it becomes difficult to even swallow the water.

Risk Factors

Listed below are a few risk factors that may increase the chances of developing Esophageal Cancer:

  • Smoking or tobacco use
  • Heavy alcohol consumption
  •  Obesity or being overweight
  • Tissue changes in your vocal cords due to HPV
  • Barrett’s esophagus and chronic acid reflux
  • Neck or head cancer history
  •  Exposure to chemicals
  •  Inherited disorders like achalasia or tylosis

Esophageal Cancer Diagnosis

If you notice any of the above-mentioned symptoms, the doctor will begin by analyzing your medical history. After this, your doctor may recommend a few diagnostic tests listed below:

Barium swallow: This is a kind of X-ray where you will be asked to drink a liquid with barium to make your food pipe easily visible to the doctor.

CT Scan: A computed tomography scan that lets your doctor determine if the tumour has spread to the chest or abdomen (belly).

Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD): Doctors use an endoscope, a long, thick tube with camera at the end to visualise and check for abnormalities within your food pipe.

Esophageal endoscopic ultrasound: In this process, doctors use sound waves to create an image of the esophagus.

Biopsy: The expert will remove a small amount of abnormal esophageal tissues during the endoscopy to check for cancerous cells.

Esophageal Cancer Treatment Options

Surgical Methods

Esophagectomy: Under this treatment, the surgeon will remove a portion of your esophagus, along with the tissues surrounding it. The surgeon then creates a new food tube by pulling a portion of your stomach up into your chest, and combining it with the remaining esophagus.

Endoscopic submucosal dissection: This procedure is used to treat esophageal cancer in its very early stages.

Endoscopic mucosal resection: The doctors prefer this to remove tumors from the mucous layer of your esophagus.

Adjuvant Therapies

Chemotherapy: A treatment that is usually administered intravenously or as an oral therapy, uses drugs to slow or stop the growth of cancerous cells. Combining chemotherapy with other treatments can be helpful to treat esophageal cancer.

Targeted Therapy: This therapy involves certain drugs to target cancer cells and stop their spread.

Radiation Therapy: Radiation therapy uses high-powered energy pulses such as X rays or proton beams to kill cancerous cells.

Immunotherapy: This treatment involves boosting the immune system to combat cancer cells. Immunotherapy boosts the production of cancer-fighting immune cells in your body or helps healthy cells to identify and attack cancerous cells.

Endoscopic Laser Therapy: The treatment of esophageal carcinoma is usually performed using laser light delivered by an endoscope.

Prevention of Esophageal Cancer

Primary Prevention

Listed below are a few primary prevention methods that involves identifying and reducing the risk factors for esophageal cancer:

  • Stop smoking: Since smoking is associated with esophageal carcinoma, stop smoking and using other tobacco products.
  • Limit your alcohol consumption: Reduce alcohol consumption as it may increase the risk of esophageal cancer.
  • Changes in diet: Fill your diet with more fruits and vegetables rich in phytochemicals and antioxidants and avoid canned or frozen food.
  • Maintain healthy weight: Maintaining a healthy weight can help manage obesity, while reducing the risk of esophageal cancer and its associated complications.

Secondary Prevention

Such prevention methods include:

Regular Follow-ups: Based on your schedule, medical follow-ups are necessary to determine the extent of recovery, the risk of recurrence and the overall well-being.

Symptoms: Seek immediate medical attention if you notice any symptoms of complications or recurrence.

Lifestyle: Maintaining a regular exercise regime with a balanced diet can drive you towards a healthy lifestyle.

Control weight and diabetes: Diabetes, obesity and weight management are other ways to reduce the risk of complications.

Awareness: It is important to be aware of the condition and realistically accept it which will help you manage the condition better.

Wrapping Up!

We tried our best to cover all the relatable aspects that a patient must know about Esophageal Cancer. We discussed the condition in a comprehensive way to help our patients better understand and manage the condition. If you notice any of the symptoms mentioned above, immediately see a cancer specialist at Samsara Cancer Care.

Patients can have personalized and compassionate care with the involvement of the top-rated doctors in our cancer care clinic. Dr. Sameeksha at Samsara Cancer Care is an experienced oncologist with a proven record in treating Esophageal Cancer. Being a top-rated medical expert, she ensures fully-informed and comfortable treatment to all her patients.  

Ovarian cancer treatment in Nagpur

Ovarian Cancer: Know, Prevent, Protect

Women’s health covers various aspects, ranging from mental health to reproductive health and among several problems they might get trapped in, ovarian cancer comes out as an extremely formidable foe. It is sometimes referred to as the silent attacker since it can be difficult to identify at an early stage. This can be a life-threatening illness that particularly affects the ovaries in women, which are an essential organ responsible for the production of eggs and female hormones. As women go through the intricacies of their health journeys, knowing the condition, its symptoms and risk factors are crucial for successful treatment.

Ovarian Cancer: Know, Prevent, Protect

Understanding Ovarian Cancer 

The kind of cancer  develops in the ovaries (female reproductive glands). Ovarian cancer begins as the abnormal growth of cells in the ovaries. The development of cancerous ovarian tumors occurs when cells divide and multiply in an uncontrolled manner. This cancer may develop in a silent way as it is often detected at a later stage.

While ovarian cancer is a possibility at any age, ovarian cancer experts in India declare that women over 60 years old are at greater risk. If you suspect that someone may think they might be suffering from ovarian cancer, it’s essential to talk with an experienced oncologist to seek the most effective treatment.

Signs Indicating Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian Cancer forms in the female reproductive organ called Ovaries. This type of cancer may cause females to suffer a few symptoms or indications. These may include:

  • Abdominal bloating or swelling
  • Trouble eating or feeling full quickly
  • Weight loss
  • Discomfort in the pelvic area
  • Fatigue
  • Back pain
  • Changes in bowel habits, such as constipation
  • An increase in the size of your abdomen
  • A frequent need to urinate

Different Types of Ovarian Cancer

Understanding the kind of ovarian cancer you developed is essential for your doctor to determine the best treatment strategy for your condition. The Ovarian cancer types include:

Epithelial Ovarian Cancer: The most common form of ovarian cancer that even comprises several subtypes, including Serous Carcinoma and Mucinous Carcinoma.

Stromal Tumors: Rare tumors; generally discovered at an earlier stage as compared to other ovarian cancers.

Germ cell tumors: Another rare ovarian cancer that tends to be diagnosed at a younger age.

How Common Is Ovarian Cancer?

Ovarian cancer is among the most common cancers in Indian women. It is an enormous health risk worldwide and a significant health risk in India, too. In India, it is usually detected in advanced stages due to its symptoms being not clear. Taking regular health check ups and taking note of gynecological issues can help in the prompt detection and management of ovarian cancer.


The exact cause of the ovarian cancer is not known; however, the doctors discovered certain factors that likely increase the chances to develop this cancer. The experts explain that ovarian cancer begins the moment cells located near the ovaries experience mutations of their DNA. The modifications let’s the cells to multiply and grow quickly, resulting in a tumor of cancerous cells. The cancer cells remain alive even though healthy cells cease to exist. They may invade surrounding tissues and break away from the initial tumor, allowing them to expand metastasize to other parts of the body.

Ovarian Cancer Risk Factors

Dr. Sameeksha Dubey, a renowned Oncologist in Nagpur says that the cause of this type of cancer is still under research. However, some of the risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing ovarian cancer include:

  • The risk of developing Ovarian cancer increases with your first or second-degree relative having a history of the same kind of cancer in the past.
  • You’re at risk being overweight or obese.
  • If you’ve experienced early menstruation or late menopause
  • If you’re above 65 years
  • Having history of estrogen or having hormone therapy after menopause
  • Having a history of being treated for any other type of cancer, including colorectal, uterine and breast
  • If you’ve been through an infertility procedure for more than a year
  • If you are suffering from endometriosis, your chances of developing ovarian cancer increases.

When is the Right Time to See the Doctor?

If any of these signs persist for more than two weeks, we advise seeking appointment with Dr. Sameeksha Dubey, a renowned Oncologist in Nagpur immediately to pinpoint the root cause behind these symptoms. Even if you believe you are unlikely to develop ovarian cancer, there’s no harm getting a regular check up.



Pelvic tests: If the medical expert suspects that you have ovarian cancer, the doctor may ask about your symptoms and conduct an examination of your pelvis. During the examination, they’ll search for any unusual organs or growths. Also, this will include the analysation of vagina, cervix and external genitalia.

Imaging tests: These tests help to determine the size, structure and shape of your ovaries. These include:

  • Pelvic ultrasound.
  • MRI
  • CT scan
  • PET scan

Blood tests: The presence of cancer in the ovary can also be suspected or indicated through the tumor markers in blood.

Biopsy : if any pelvic mass is diagnosed on imaging, biopsy is done using ultrasound guidance through a needle to take small tissue out and test to confirm cancer cells.

Ovarian Cancer Stages

If you are diagnosed with ovarian cancer, the doctor will use the details from your test results and the procedures to give your cancer a stage. Cancer stage refers to the extent that cancer has spread to other tissues and organs. The stages of ovarian cancer include:

Stage 1 Cancer has not spread anywhere and is only limited to the ovaries
Stage 2 Cancer has spread to the pelvic organs and the uterus
Stage 3 Cancer has spread to the lining tissues of the abdomen or lymph nodes
Stage 4 It has spread to distant sites like lungs or liver

Treatment Options For Ovarian Cancer

We understand your concern about being diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. However, it’s time to stand strong against Ovarian Cancer and take a step to fight. Focus on finding the ideal treatment plan. Dr. Sameeksha Dubey in Nagpur offers the best Ovarian cancer treatment in Nagpur . Generally, surgery is the primary treatment for this type of cancer, alongside various alternative treatment options, including immunotherapy, targeted therapy, hormonal therapy and more. The best Ovarian cancer treatment in Nagpur will determine the appropriate treatment based on your condition.

The treatment options include:

Surgery: Many ovarian cancers are treated with surgical interventions. The degree of the ovarian cancer surgery needed typically depends on the extent of the cancer spread and on the individual’s overall health. The principal goal of surgical procedure to treat ovarian cancer is to eliminate the tumor completely.

Chemotherapy: The doctors may recommend chemotherapy before or after surgery. This therapy is performed to destroy cancerous cells. Your doctor may prescribe chemotherapy intravenously (through an incision) or orally (in pills).

Targeted Therapy: This cancer treatment employs drugs to detect and target cancerous cells. The targeted therapy alters how cancer cells grow and divide.

Hormone Therapy: Certain ovarian cancers require hormones to increase their growth. This kind of treatment blocks hormones, which slows or stops the expansion of cancer.

Radiation Therapy: The majority of doctors do not use radiation therapy to treat cancer of the ovary. The indication for radiation therapy use in ovarian cancer is extremely limited and it is not included in primary treatment.

After completing your ovarian chemotherapy, the doctor will ask you for regular follow ups. There may be regular appointments to ensure that the cancerous cells do not grow or multiply. During these visits, the doctor will look at any potential symptoms and perform an examination. Notice any symptoms you experience and discuss it with the experienced Oncologist in Nagpur.

Ovarian Cancer Prevention

Primary Prevention

Ovarian cancer is a frequent form of cancer in females; however, you can lower the risk of it developing by following prevention methods:

  • By staying clear of risks, like being at an ideal weight or refraining from long term hormone therapy after menopausal changes, you might reduce the chance of developing Ovarian cancer.
  • Oral contraceptives can be linked to the possibility of a 50% risk of ovarian cancer among women who take contraceptives for more than 5 years.

Frequently Asked Questions About Ovarian Cancer

When does ovarian cancer begin?

Ovarian cancer can occur at any age; however it is most often diagnosed among women over 50 years of age. However, it can affect women of any age, including those at younger years.

Are All Ovarian Tumors Cancerous?

The majority of ovarian tumors do not appear to be cancerous.  Ovarian tumors that are benign (non cancerous) aren’t life-threatening and can be treated using gentle measures, or they may not require any treatment in any way. If however, they’re cancerous, they’ll require urgent medical attention and may require multiple treatment options.

Are ovarian cancers treatable?

The good news is that ovarian tumors are treatable, particularly, if detected early. The treatment options include chemotherapy, surgery, targeted therapy and more, depending on the stage and patient’s health.

How are ovarian cysts different from ovarian cancer?

Ovarian cysts are sacs filled with fluid which can develop in the ovaries. They are generally not cancerous. Ovarian cancer, on other hand, is the uncontrolled expansion of cancerous cells inside the ovaries and causes a cancerous condition.

A Note From Dr. Sameeksha Dubey!

Ovarian Cancer is  tough, but so are you. Hope, Fight, and Win!

Having been diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer might become a challenging and daunting situation for you to manage. However, understanding the causes and treatment procedures could benefit you to fight your cancer. Recognizing the significance of the above-mentioned, Dr. Sameeksha Dubey and her dedicated team of professionals remain steadfast to provide the highest quality Ovarian cancer treatment in Nagpur. So, conquer the challenges of this journey and fight Ovarian Cancer with the help of the best oncologist in the town. Book Your Appointment Today!

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What Do You Mean By Metastasis Cancerous Condition?

Metastasis is when cancerous cells split from the original tumor get into your lymph system or blood, and then spread to different parts in your body. These cancer situations are generally manageable but aren’t curable. Treatment can help ease the symptoms, while helping slow the growth of cancer and enhance your living quality.

Metastasis Overview

An illness that spreads from its primary site of origin to the other, remote areas in the body is what metastatic cancer means. Metastasis is a term that describes the spreading of cancer. In contrast to normal cells, cancer cell lines can develop outside the location within your body from which they began. If this happens, they’re known as metastatic cancer/ advanced cancer, also referred to as Stage IV cancer. All kinds of cancer can grow into metastasis; however, whether they actually do is contingent on several factors.

Metastasis tumors can develop by three methods:

  • They may grow directly in the surrounding tissue of the tumor.
  • Cancer cells can move through your bloodstream, reaching distant areas or organs of your body.
  • These cells can move through the lymph system to nearby lymph nodes.

Metastasis Symptoms

Weight loss and fatigue are the main signs of metastatic cancer and other signs depend on the location of metastasis.

  • Bone: bone pain, fractures
  • Brain: headache, dizziness, vision problems, seizures
  • Lung: breath shortness or cough, chest pain
  • Liver Jaundice (yellowing of the eyes and skin) and abdominal discomfort

The amount and size of tumors can affect the signs.

Stages of Metastasis

As discussed, the situation happens when cancer grows beyond its primary site to the nearby areas in the human body. In this instance, cancer cells can:

  • The cancerous tissue spreads to the initial cancer location.
  • Infiltrate the walls surrounding lymph nodes or blood vessels.
  • Follow the lymphatic and bloodstream system to distant body parts.
  • Infiltrate distant blood vessel walls, and then spread into surrounding tissue
  • The tumor may form a small size within that tissue
  • Make new blood vessels to provide blood to the new tumor, allowing it to grow.

The majority of cancerous cells do not endure this process. If they survive, they might not develop immediately. In fact, certain cancerous metastatic cells can remain inactive for a long time.

Most Common Types That Include Metastasis:

  • Breast cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Kidney cancer
  • Colo-rectal cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Bone cancer
  • Liver cancer
  • Stomach cancer 
  • Gall bladder cancer 

How risky is Metastasis Cancerous Condition?

Metastasis becomes a crucial issue as the majority of cancer deaths result from spreading of the primary cancer to nearby parts in the body. Mostly, the cancer patients who have small tumors stand a greater chance of surviving than those who have metastatic tumors.

Diagnosis Tests

The percentage of the body where the cancer has spread determines how advanced the disease is. It will differ for every type of cancer but not every cancer requires a formal staging. However, generally speaking, the higher level denotes the more cancer spread to the body. Listed below are few diagnosis tests that you doctor may recommend tests based on the kind of cancer and the signs you experience:

Blood Tests: A doctor may recommend blood tests as these procedures may inform your doctor the level of enzymes in the body.

Tumor markers: Certain types of cancer have tumor markers which can be beneficial in evaluating the cancer after diagnosis. If your tumor marker levels rise this indicates the progressing cancer. There are many tumor markers that aren’t as specific, which is why doctors do not use them to determine the presence of metastasis.

Imaging: These are a few tests that involve taking pictures of the inside body to analyze the symptoms and type of cancer of cancer in the body. Some imaging tests for diagnosing metastasis may include:

  • Ultrasound
  • CT scan
  • Bone Scan
  • MRI
  • PET scan

Metastasis Cancer Treatment

The treatment for metastatic cancer is contingent on the area of the primary cancer. Metastatic cancer can’t usually be removed, but it can be treated. In some cases there is a possibility to endure metastatic cancer for several months or even for years.

The chance of surviving metastasized cancers is usually based on where the metastasis situated, how extensive it is, as well as what the original cancer was. For instance, a patient with bone metastasis due to breast cancer usually has better odds of survival than those suffering from lung cancer.

Modern medications like targeted treatments and immunotherapy are boosting the chances of survival for certain patients with metastatic cancer. Moreover, a number of medications are under clinical trial study that offer optimism for improvements in the metastatic cancer treatment.

The effectiveness of Metastasis Cancer Treatment depends on these given factors:

  • The kind of cancer
  • How far has the cancer been able to spread and where is it
  • How many cancers are there
  • If the cancerous cells are growing rapidly or slow
  • The type of treatment 
  • The way cancerous cells reacts to treatment

It is crucial to talk with your physician about the objectives that you’re pursuing in your therapy plan. These goals can change throughout your treatment, based on how well the cancer responds to treatment.

Can metastatic cancer be curable?

If you can cure metastatic cancer, there is no specific answer to this question. It’s based on many different aspects, and there isn’t one particular treatment for metastasis in general. The truth is that cancer is more manageable when it’s restricted to one lump or one primary site and haven’t spread. It used to be extremely complicated to deal with metastatic tumors. We are witnessing huge advancements in cancer treatment with new therapies and discovering for treating metastatic cancer in clinical trials.


Metastasis cancer is one of the most frightening situations you could ever come across. We tried our best to cover every relatable aspect about the Metastasis that the sufferer must know. If you or your family member is diagnosed with such advanced symptoms there’s a good chance you’re experiencing lots of emotions. Although most metastatic cancers aren’t curable there are some treatments that could reduce your symptoms and extend your life. Consult Dr Sameeksha Dubey, at Samsara Cancer Care Clinic for the best treatment strategy, ensuring that you go smoothly on this journey. 


What is Chemoradiotherapy? Is it similar to Chemotherapy?

Chemoradiotherapy (CRT) is the combination of radiotherapy and chemotherapy as a treatment for cancer. Through the years CRT has grown into an effective treatment for a variety of locally advanced solid tumors, while also providing patients with a higher survival chance from local control of disease without any long-term or significant toxicities. This article on Chemoradiation therapy or CRT or chemoradiotherapy will help the patients and their family members learn more about this procedure.

Chemoradiotherapy Treatment Explained

Chemoradiation is a treatment for cancer that blends two effective treatment options: radiation and chemotherapy.

Chemoradiation isn’t the best option for everyone or all cancers, these two intensive chemotherapy treatments simultaneously can be very difficult to bear. However, the advantages of chemoradiation are significant in certain circumstances.

For certain patients with certain kinds or types of cancers, radiation therapy can aid in stopping the progress of the growth of tumors. It could increase the chances of survival and may even prove curative in some cases.

Chemoradiation is generally a treatment option for:

  • lung cancer
  • cervical cancer
  • anal cancer
  • bladder cancer
  • head & neck cancer
  • esophagus cancer
  • gallbladder cancer
  • rectum cancer
  • brain tumor
  • stomach cancer (in some conditions)

When is Chemoradiotherapy used?

Since the treatment is only effective for controlling certain types of cancer and not all, based on the kind of cancer you’re suffering from, your doctor can choose chemotherapy treatment for you. Listed below are some conditions where doctors generally apply Chemoradiotherapy treatment:

  • as your primary treatment for cancer.
  • for cancers that cannot be treated surgically
  • prior to surgery to reduce the size of the tumor, known as neoadjuvant therapy.
  • after surgery to decrease the risk of cancer recurring, referred to as adjuvant therapy.

Is Chemoradiotherapy similar to Chemotherapy?

Chemoradiotherapy is a combination of chemotherapy along with radiotherapy. While you undergo radiation therapy treatment, you get chemotherapy therapy The drugs, administered either intravenously or orally are distributed throughout the body that works to kill cancerous cells. The procedure of treatment is exactly the same as simply receiving chemotherapy.

Basically, chemoradiation is a treatment that comes with radiation at the same time when the chemo-drugs are in your system or just prior to or following depending on the duration of the treatments. The treatment uses targeted high-energy rays that destroy cancerous cells and tumors.

While chemoradiation can be beneficial for certain types of cancer, doctors generally do not recommend it for all types of cancer. Moreover, don’t ignore the fact that it can produce side effects that can be difficult to manage.

What is the duration of the Chemoradiotherapy treatment?

The duration of your chemoradiation therapy may be different based on the kind that cancer is being treated and the amount of radiation used. The timings for chemotherapy and radiation might not coincide exactly. For instance, you may undergo radiation every day of the week for five weeks.

During this period it could be two weeks when you take an anti-cancer capsule or receive chemotherapy intravenously each day and a week where you don’t receive chemotherapy.

You’ll be tested following the initial chemoradiation as these tests help your doctor to determine the next treatment step. It could be a repeat cycle of chemoradiation, surgery or an alternative treatment alternative.

Side Effects

During the Chemoradiotherapy procedure, the severity of side effects can vary between individuals and are sometimes difficult to bear. The severity of side effects may also depend on the kind of chemotherapy used as well as the intensity and location of radiation. They may be more severe and cumulative when both treatments result in them.

It is important to report any adverse reactions to your medical team. Your doctor may modify your dose to reduce the severity of the side effects that may include:

  • nausea and vomiting
  • diarrhea or constipation
  • loss of appetite
  • fatigue
  • weakness
  • throat pain
  • mouth sores
  • trouble swallowing
  • shortness of breath
  • tightness or pain in your chest
  • hair loss
  • fever
  • dry cough
  • infections
  • changes to the way your skin looks or feels
  • easy bruising or bleeding


While being a combination of chemotherapy and radiation therapy to fight cancer, it might not be a suitable option for everyone or all kinds of cancer. However, in the case of cervical cancers, anal or lung cancer, it could be an effective treatment option that enhances the outcome and the likelihood of survival.

Usually the chemoradiation procedure goes in cycles, the duration of these cycles depends on the dose of chemoradiation you receive and the kind of cancer the patient is suffering from.

The effects of the treatment can be diverse and thus we recommend consulting with Dr. Sameeksha Dubey who is a renowned physician in the field. With years of expertise, the doctor can advise you about the personalized treatment options that you may proceed with after a cancer diagnosis. Book your appointment now!

Colon Cancer Treatment in Nagpu

Know About Colorectal / Colon Cancer

A very common form of cancer that usually begins as polyps (growths) in the colon’s lining. Through the diagnostic tests and appropriate treatment techniques, the medical specialists can identify and eliminate cancerous polyps. Categorized among the most prevalent cancer kinds, if not treated well, colon cancer can spread to other parts of the body that can worsen the body condition. With the tests for early detection and applying innovative treatments, the death risks from this kind of cancer are reduced. Certain types of polyps may transform into cancer with time, however, but not all polyps will become cancerous.

Understanding Colorectal or Colon Cancer

We can describe Colon Cancer as a type of cancer that usually begins in the colon (large intestinal tract), the long tube that carries digested food to your rectum, and then out of your body. Basically, colorectal cancer is a result of specific polyps or tumors that grow through the colon’s lining. The doctors usually suggest screening tests to detect precancerous polyps before they turn into malignant growths. Essentially, the Colorectal Cancer that isn’t detected or treated could result in spreading to other parts of the body. Proper screening tests for early detection and an appropriate treatment lowers the risk of death from colon cancer.

Colon Cancer Stages

After the patient undergoes the colon cancer diagnosis, the doctor may suggest some additional tests to determine the severity of the tumor, which is termed as the cancer stage. Considering the stage of the cancer developed in the patient’s body is necessary to prepare for the treatment strategy.

The staging tests may include the scans of the pelvis, abdomen and chest. Through the imaging tests, the doctors may capture images from the inside of your body and analyze them to find the actual location and size of the tumor. However, in some severe cases, the doctor may even require surgery procedures to determine the cancer stage.

Talking about the Colon cancer stages, it usually varies between 0 and 4, where the lowest number indicates that the cancer is confined to the colon’s lining. However, stage 4 depicts the spread of the disease to different parts within the body. To curb the disease spread, we advise all our readers to seek medical assistance without delays, if they face any colon cancer symptoms.

Risk Factors

Listed below are few risk factors that can lead to colorectal cancer in a human body:

Cancer In Family History:

Having a blood relation with someone who was diagnosed by colon cancer increases the chance of developing colon cancer.

Personal History of Polyps:

The presence of colon polyps already in the body may increase the chance of developing colon cancer.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease:

Conditions causing pain or an increase in the size of the stomach can cause inflammatory bowel disorders as this may increase the chance of developing colon cancer.

Genetic Disorders:

Certain DNA mutations increase the chance of developing colon cancer as the most frequent inherited disorders increase the risk of colon cancer.

Other Factors

  • Not Exercising Regularly
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Processed meat consumption

Common Symptoms

Listed down here are a few symptoms that a person may commonly suffer if they have this illness:

Blood while passing stool:

The person must immediately seek medical help if they find blood while passing stool. However, not necessarily the presence of blood in poop indicates you’re suffering from colon cancer, other factors like hemorrhoids, anal tears and eating beets, may make your poop appear different. However, it’s best to speak with a health doctor whenever you notice blood on or in your stool.

Consistent change in your bowel habits:

If a person suffers from frequent constipation or diarrhea or feels like visiting a bathroom after having gone already, then advise you for medical assistance immediately.

Abdominal Discomfort:

Since pain in your belly area can trigger because of numerous reasons, but if the pain isn’t going away or becomes unbearable, speak to a physician if you notice such discomfort.

Bloated Stomach:

There are numerous factors that cause you to feel bloated, but if your belly feels bloated for longer than two weeks, consulting a doctor immediately is recommended before the situation gets worse.


  • Unexplained Weight Loss
  • Vomiting
  • Weakness or tiredness
  • Fatigue and feeling short of breath
  • decreased appetite
  • constipation
  • diarrhea


Listed below are the Colon Cancer diagnosis procedures that your doctor may follow to understand the nature of the tumor:

Using scope to analyze the colon:

Colonoscopy employs a long flexible and slender tube connected to an electronic camera and a monitor that provides a clear vision of the entire colon and the rectum. Using some surgical instruments, the doctors can take tissue samples to remove polyps.

Removal of a sample tissue to test:

The doctors follow a biopsy method to take a sample of tissue to analyze its status. The lab tests can reveal whether they are in fact cancerous as well as how fast they are expanding, however, other tests can provide additional details about the cancerous cells. The results will let the doctor analyze the prognosis of your case and formulate an appropriate treatment strategy.

Blood Tests:

The blood tests are done by the doctors to gather the details about the patient’s general health, including the liver and kidney function or even determining the decrease in red blood cells.

Treatment Options

Mentioned below are some of the treatment options that a doctor will suggest you if you are diagnosed with colon cancer.


The doctors may use surgical methods to remove cancerous parts of the bowel and based on the severity of the procedure, the two sides of the bowel can be stitched to each other. If the tumor is present on the lower part of the rectum, then there might not be enough bowel remaining to connect and the situation demands for colonostomy.


Another therapy involves chemotherapy which describes a treatment with anti-cancer medications, prescribed to destroy or stop cancerous cells by destroying their cells so that they don’t expand and divide.


As the treatment employs X-rays with high energy, it is designed specifically for you to ensure that the cancerous cells are destroyed in the minimal amount of harm on normal tissue. This is mainly used in Rectal cancer treatment.

Lifestyle Changes For Prevention

To prevent any such illness from trapping you, we advise you to make a little lifestyle changes in your routine as we mentioned below:

  • In essence, you should try to maintain an appropriate weight that will lower the risk of developing other illnesses also. Talk to your physician about what a healthy weight you should be at.
  • Regularly exercising for around twenty minutes is recommended every day to prevent yourself from becoming cancerous.
  • Making healthy choices in your eating is another way to improve general health. But, there isn’t one specific diet you should adhere to beat cancer, however discussing your diet with your doctor could benefit you greatly.
  • Stop making negative lifestyle choices and quit smoking tobacco. If you’re a cigarette smoker, you should visit your doctor to help you establish a plan to stop smoking and kick the habit.
  • Recommended to avoid processed red meat and alcohol consumption.
  • In case of any chronic disease like inflammatory bowel disease, continue monitoring and treatment



Screening guidelines for colorectal cancer typically vary depending on the recommending organization and the individual’s risk factors. However, there are some general guidelines that are commonly followed:


Age to Start Screening: Screening for colorectal cancer usually begins at age 45 for individuals at average risk, although some guidelines previously recommended starting at age 50. However, those with certain risk factors, such as a family history of colorectal cancer or certain genetic syndromes, may need to start screening earlier.


Screening Methods: There are several screening methods available for colorectal cancer. These include:

Colonoscopy: This is considered the gold standard for colorectal cancer screening. It involves the insertion of a flexible tube with a camera into the colon to look for abnormalities or polyps.

Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT): This test checks for blood in the stool, which can be a sign of colorectal cancer. It is done by collecting a stool sample at home and sending it to a lab for analysis.

Stool DNA Test (sDNA): This test looks for certain DNA markers in the stool that may indicate the presence of colorectal cancer or precancerous polyps.

Flexible Sigmoidoscopy: Similar to a colonoscopy, but only examines the lower part of the colon.

Virtual Colonoscopy (CT Colonography): This is a non-invasive imaging test that uses CT scans to create images of the colon and rectum.

Frequency of Screening: The frequency of screening depends on the method used and the individual’s risk factors. For example:

Colonoscopy is usually recommended every 10 years for average-risk individuals.

FIT is typically done annually.

Flexible sigmoidoscopy may be done every 5 years.

Virtual colonoscopy may be done every 5 years.

Follow-Up: If abnormalities or polyps are found during screening, follow-up procedures such as biopsies or polyp removal may be necessary. The follow-up frequency depends on the findings and the individual’s risk factors.


Since we tried our best to cover every relatable aspect about Colon Cancer for our readers, visiting a reputable medical facility for treatment can help you get a better understanding of the disease. To get individualised guidance and to discuss your symptoms, speak to Dr. Sameeksha Dubey renowned oncologist with extensive experience in diagnosing and treating Colon Cancer Treatment in Nagpur. With years of expertise treating such medical situations, she is an expert in examining and identifying the primary causes and providing comfort treatment to the sufferer. Book an appointment today!

Cancer Staging And Its Treatments

Stages of Cancer Treatment

Being diagnosed with cancer brings about a multitude of emotions and concerns. After a doctor gives an official diagnosis of cancer, they target certain methods to determine the type and stage of the cancer. The most critical aspect to managing cancer is understanding its staging, which provides valuable information about the tumor size and its spread within the body. Recognizing cancer at the earliest stages can provide the greatest chance of an effective treatment. In this article, we will delve into the different cancer staging systems, while discussing some additional factors that help determine the course of treatment.

Understanding Cancer Staging

Cancer staging is a kind of process that analyzes the kind and form of tumor that the patient is suffering from. Basically, it forms a good base for determining the extent to which it will respond to treatment and also the general survival rate. However, the exact criteria for staging are different for different types of cancer.

Discussing the cancer staging groups, generally it categorizes four broad stages, denoted in Roman Numeral form. These stages are instrumental in guiding your doctor predicting outcomes, while assisting in determining the most effective treatments options. The majority of cancer stages range from 0 (carcinoma in situ) to IV (advanced or metastatic cancer) where the higher number indicates the most advanced form of cancer. 

Stage 0: This is a stage where a doctor identifies growth of some abnormal tissues that have not yet spread to other parts of the body. Doctors often call this stage as carcinoma in situ. At this stage, the abnormal cells aren’t in fact cancerous, but could develop into cancer if not treated.

Stage I: Considered as an early stage of cancer where the tumor is usually small and confined to one area of the body. This stage typically has a better survival rate than the more advanced types of cancer.

Stage II: This stage recognises that the tumor has grown a little in size and begun to spread in surrounding tissues. The outlook for those suffering from stage II can vary depending on their age, general health and the kind of cancer they suffer from.

Stage III: This stage refers to a position where the tumor has grown in size than in stage I and II, trying to invade larger body areas.

Stage IV: Considered as the most severe cancer stage, where the tumor is usually large and has spread to different areas within the body.

A Brief About Clinical and Pathological Stages

According to some tests conducted prior the treatment begins, doctors use clinical and pathologic information to determine the overall stage. Basically, Clinical stage refers to the severity estimate based on some test results prior to the surgery. The doctors base their diagnosis on the information they gather from physical examinations and other tests. While, the Pathological stage, generally obtained after surgery is considered more accurate. Moreover, these stages involve imaging scans, blood tests, and biopsies that contribute to determining the extent of cancer spread.

TNM System:

The TNM system forms the most common cancer staging system which stands as Node, and Metastasis. The values T, N, and M are assigned based on the following measurements and observations:

Tumor (T): This describes the information on the size and location of the primary tumor at the time of diagnosis.

Node (N): This tells if cancer has spread to lymph nodes as through these nodes the cancerous cells expand to other areas of the body. Based on these details, the doctor bases their classification of lymph nodes on their location and the number of lymph nodes carrying cancer.

Metastasis (M): Metastasis occurs when a tumor has grown beyond the lymph nodes into other parts within your body. A MI diagnosis determines if cancer has spread to distant organs and tissues.

Other Factors That Involve Cancer Staging

In addition to staging, there are some extra factors that doctors may use to understand the cancer behavior better and tailor treatment plans. These may include:

Grade: For most cancer types, it is a measurement of how abnormal cancerous cells appear in the microscope. Also known as differentiation, it is crucial to know the grade because cancers tend to have more abnormal-looking cells that spread and grow more quickly.

Location: For some cancers, the primary location can affect its outlook and must be considered essentially when determining the stage.

Tumor Markers: In certain cancers, the elevated levels in blood or urine can indicate the influence of the cancer stage.

Genetics: Sometimes, the specialists also prefer to analyze the DNA of the cancer cell as it helps to predict the likelihood of spread and informs treatment decisions.


As we discussed, understanding the cancer staging system holds a paramount importance in navigating through the complex landscape of diagnosis and treatment. This information can help the doctors to predict the treatment course, and how likely the treatment will be successful. While the circumstances may vary from person to person based upon the cancer type and outlook. However, the individuals can easily navigate through their cancer journey with a clear understanding of their stage and prognosis with the best consultation. Selecting the collaborative approach with Dr. Sameeksha Dubey will help the patient to foster a sense of confidence and resilience. 

Exploring the Impact of Obesity on Cancer Risk

Exploring the Impact of Obesity on Cancer Risk: What You Need to Know

Obesity and overweight are the second most significant cause of cancer in the world, and the fight against obesity has become a widespread problem in today’s rapidly changing society. According to a new report by the World Obesity Federation, more than half of the world’s population will be overweight or obese by 2035.

What is Obesity?

Obesity is a medical condition characterized by excessive body fats that increase the risk of multiple health problems and diseases. This can include heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, liver disease, sleep problems, as well as certain cancers.

The Best Medical Oncologist in Nagpur suggests numerous reasons individuals have trouble losing weight. Often, obesity results from inherited, physiological, and environmental factors combined with diet, physical activity, and exercise choices.

Obesity has wide-ranging consequences that can include heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, liver disease, and sleep problems, it substantially increases the likelihood of developing multiple diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke, and various cancers, including: 


  • Cancer of the breast
  • Cancer of the colon and rectum
  • Cancer of the uterus
  • Cancer of the esophagus
  • Tumour in the gallbladder
  • Cancer of the liver
  • Cancer of the kidneys
  • Cancer of the pancreas
  • Stomach cancer
  • Cancer of ovaries
  • Meningioma
  • Multiple Myeloma 



The Body Mass Index (BMI) is the principal metric to ascertain whether an individual is obese or overweight. A person with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher is classified as obese, per the CDC. It is important to note that BMI may not be the sole indicator of obesity; age-related muscle decline (sarcopenia) and muscle mass should also be considered.


Categories of BMI:

  • Under 18.5: Underweight 
  • 18.5 to 24.9; healthy 
  • 25.0 to 29.9: overweight 
  •  30.0 to 39.9: Obesity 
  •  40.0 or more: severe obesity 


Various ways to clarify the direct /indirect relationship between obesity and cancer:

Adipose cells can create an environment that leads to chronic inflammation by damaging cellular DNA and promoting unchecked cell proliferation, which ultimately leads to the growth of tumors.

Obesity significantly increases the risk of developing cancers, including those of the breast, gynecologic, colorectal, kidney, and other organs, by disrupting hormone secretion, including that of estrogen and insulin.

Cell Regulation: Hormones or proteins that regulate cell growth may be disrupted by adipose cells, leading to aberrant cell division and the development of tumors.

Obesity may weaken T-cells close to tumor cells, limiting their ability to attack and eliminate cancerous cells.


Treatment and Diagnosis Implications:

The Best Oncologist in Nagpur says that beyond the risk of developing severe cancer, obesity can also increase complexities in diagnostic imaging and difficulties in acquiring images. Also, the complexity of radiation therapy and surgery is highlighted as a result of the expansion of tissue and the possibility of unintended harm. 

A study in 2017 found that cells may be capable of absorbing and degrading chemotherapy medications, thereby diminishing their efficacy and possibly elucidating the association between obesity and unfavorable prognoses across a range of cancers.

In addition to increasing the risk of developing cancer, obesity contributes to the development of complications like diabetes. The convergence of obesity, diabetes, and cancer presents healthcare professionals with a complex predicament that requires them to maintain a nuanced equilibrium throughout treatment.


Principle Obstacle Include:

Steroid use of chemotherapy can lead to high glucose levels. This can cause an inability to regulate blood sugar, resulting in unfavorable outcomes, impaired wound healing, and increased risk of infections. Additionally, cancer-related fatigue and loss of appetite can worsen. 


Reducing the Risk of Cancer via Weight Loss:

Despite obstacles, Eating healthy and being more active is the best way to improve your health. Suppose a person is overweight or obese. Losing 10% of body weight can reduce the risk of developing cancer and other serious diseases. Research shows that postmenopausal women lose 5 percent of their body weight and have a lower risk of developing endometrial cancer. If you find losing weight difficult, eating a more balanced diet and exercising regularly can help to lower the risk of cancer.


Here are Some Steps you can take to help you make a healthier choice 

Exercise Daily: If you struggle with being more active and are on a diet, Your dietician can help. A professional dietician, gym trainer, physiologist, or doctor specializing in weight loss can quickly help you change your routine.

Get Support: Feeling supported when pushing yourself very hard to make lifestyle changes is essential. They can help you to make healthier changes and stick with them over time. Talk to your friends about the changes you want to make and ask them for help. 

Weight loss Surgery: If you have a severe health condition related to obesity, such as heart disease or diabetes, weight loss surgery can be an option for you. Weight loss or bariatric surgery is only considered for people with a BMI of 40 or 35 or more severe health conditions.

Conclusion – Dr. Sameeksha Dubey, a Cancer Specialist in Nagpur research, highlights the connection between obesity and cancer. It is essential to work with your healthcare team and make healthy changes in your lifestyle to reduce weight and the risk of disease. It emphasizes the urgent need for awareness and proactive measures by understanding the complex interplay of factors that can help reduce cancer risk and improve well-being. Losing weight is a fictional step towards a healthy, cancer-resistant life.

Understanding the Role of Immune Checkpoints in Cancer: A Key to Unleashing the Body's Defense

Understanding the Role of Immune Checkpoints in Cancer: A Key to Unleashing the Body’s Defense

In the field of oncology, years of research and practice are devoted to understanding the complexities of cancer and its relationship with the immune system. In recent times, the concept of immune checkpoints has emerged as a groundbreaking avenue in cancer therapy, rerevolutionizinghe way we approach treatment strategies.

What are Immune Checkpoints?

To comprehend the significance of immune checkpoints in cancer, let’s first grasp the basics. Immune checkpoints are pathways in the immune system that regulate the duration and strength of an immune response. They act as crucial gatekeepers, preventing the immune system from attacking healthy cells while also modulating the immune response against threats like cancer cells.

The Role of Immune Checkpoints in Cancer

Cancer cells can exploit these checkpoints, tricking the immune system into believing they are harmless, thus evading detection and destruction. Tumours often express molecules that interact with checkpoint proteins, effectively putting the brakes on the immune response, allowing cancer to thrive unchecked.

The discovery of immune checkpoint proteins such as CTLA-4 and PD-1/PD-L1 has led to a paradigm shift in cancer treatment. These checkpoints act as ‘immune brakes’ that, when inhibited, can unleash the body’s immune system to recognize and attack cancer cells.

Revolutionising Cancer Therapy: Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors

Enter immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs), a class of drugs designed to block these checkpoints, reinvigorating the immune response against cancer. Drugs targeting CTLA-4, PD-1, or PD-L1 have shown remarkable success in various cancers, significantly improving patient outcomes and survival rates.

Take, for instance, the success of anti-PD-1/PD-L1 therapies in melanoma, lung cancer, and bladder cancer. By blocking the PD-1/PD-L1 interaction, these therapies enable T cells to recognize and destroy cancer cells effectively.

Challenges and Future Directions

Despite the promising results, challenges persist. Not all patients respond to immune checkpoint inhibitors, responses may take a long duration to become apparent on radiology and some may experience adverse effects due to the unleashed immune response attacking healthy tissues, known as immune-related adverse events (irAEs). Understanding the factors influencing response rates and managing these side effects remain crucial areas of research. 

Moreover, combination therapies involving ICIs, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, or other immunotherapies are being explored to enhance efficacy and overcome resistance mechanisms developed by tumours.

The Need for Personalized Medicine

Every patient’s cancer is unique, necessitating a personalised approach to treatment. Biomarkers play a pivotal role in predicting a patient’s response to immune checkpoint inhibitors. Identifying reliable biomarkers can aid in selecting patients who are most likely to benefit from these therapies, optimising treatment strategies for better outcomes.


The discovery and utilisation of immune checkpoints in cancer therapy represent a monumental leap forward in oncology. By unleashing the body’s natural defence mechanisms, immune checkpoint inhibitors have transformed the landscape of cancer treatment, offering hope to patients and paving the way for more targeted, effective therapies.

As we continue to delve deeper into the complexities of the immune system and cancer interactions, the future holds immense promise for further advancements in immunotherapy. It’s a privilege to witness and contribute to this groundbreaking era in cancer research, bringing us closer to more personalised and effective treatments for patients worldwide.

Precancerous Conditions and the Vital Role of Early Detection in Cancer

Understanding Precancerous Conditions and the Vital Role of Early Detection in Cancer

Cancer, a formidable adversary to human health, often starts as minuscule changes within the body that progress over time. In many cases, these changes manifest as
precancerous conditions, indicating a potential for the development of cancerous cells. Understanding these precursors and the significance of early detection can be pivotal in preventing the progression of cancer.

What Are Precancerous Conditions?

Precancerous conditions refer to cellular changes that are not yet cancerous but have the potential to become cancer if left untreated. These alterations may vary in
severity, ranging from mild abnormalities to more advanced changes. Examples of precancerous conditions include:

1.Leukoplakia & Erythroplakia : White or flat red spots/lesions found on the oral mucosa ( inside mouth), which cannot be removed or explained by any other cause, have the potential to develop into oral cancers.

2. Actinic Keratosis: Commonly found on sun-exposed skin, these crusty, scaly patches can develop into skin cancer if not addressed.

3. Cervical Dysplasia: Abnormal cells on the cervix, often detected through Pap smears, can lead to cervical cancer if not managed.

4. Colon Polyps: Growth in the colon lining, some of which can evolve into colon cancer over time.

5. Barrett’s Esophagus: Changes in the esophagus lining due to chronic acid reflux, which may progress to esophageal cancer.

Importance of Early Detection

Early detection plays a crucial role in combating cancer. Detecting precancerous conditions or cancer in its initial stages significantly increases the chances of
successful treatment and cure. Here’s why early detection matters:

Increased Treatment Options: Detecting cancer early often offers a wider array of treatment options, including less invasive procedures and higher success rates.

Improved Prognosis: When cancer is diagnosed at an early stage, the chances of successful treatment and a positive prognosis are significantly higher.

Reduced Morbidity and Mortality: Early detection may prevent cancer from spreading, reducing the risk of complications and mortality associated with advanced-stage cancer.

Methods of Early Detection

Several screening methods and tests aid in the early detection of cancer and precancerous conditions:

Regular Screening Tests: Routine screenings such as mammograms, Pap smears, colonoscopies, and skin examinations help detect abnormalities before they progress into cancer.

Genetic Testing: Assessing genetic predispositions to certain cancers enables individuals to take preventive measures or opt for more frequent screenings.

Biopsies and Imaging Tests: Biopsies of suspicious areas and imaging techniques like MRI, CT scans, and ultrasounds assist in identifying abnormalities for further evaluation.

Reducing Risks and Preventive Measures

While not all cancers can be prevented, adopting certain lifestyle changes can minimise the risk of developing cancer or precancerous conditions:

Healthy Diet and Exercise: Maintaining a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains while staying physically active can lower cancer risk.

Avoiding Tobacco and Limiting Alcohol: Steering clear of tobacco products and moderating alcohol consumption decreases the likelihood of various cancers.

Sun Protection: Using sunscreen, wearing protective clothing, and avoiding excessive sun exposure can prevent skin cancer.

Regular Check-ups and Screenings: Following recommended screening guidelines based on age, gender, and individual risk factors is crucial in early detection.

Challenges in Early Detection

Despite the advancements in medical technology, some challenges persist in early cancer detection:

Access to Healthcare: Socioeconomic factors often limit access to healthcare services and screenings, leading to delayed detection.

Limited Sensitivity of Tests: Some screening tests may yield false-negative results, giving a false sense of security while cancer or precancerous conditions may still be present.

Patient Compliance: Adherence to recommended screenings and follow-up appointments can be challenging for some individuals, affecting timely detection.


Understanding precancerous conditions and the importance of early detection is pivotal in the fight against cancer. Regular screenings, adopting a healthy lifestyle, and raising awareness about the significance of early detection are key elements in reducing the burden of cancer. Empowering individuals with knowledge about preventive measures and the value of proactive healthcare can contribute significantly to improving cancer outcomes.

Remember, early detection saves lives. By staying informed, proactive, and attentive to your health, you play an active role in safeguarding yourself against the potential risks of cancer and precancerous conditions.

Cancer Doctor in Nagpur

Dr. Sameeksha Dubey cancer doctor in Nagpur

Meet Dr. Sameeksha Dubey, Best cancer doctor in Nagpur known for her outstanding qualifications, vast experience, and steadfast commitment to advancing cancer care. Dr. Dubey’s academic achievements include advanced oncology degrees from prestigious institutions, highlighting her dedication to mastering the intricacies of cancer treatment.

Her dedication to remaining on the cutting edge of oncological developments guarantees that her patients get the best, most innovative therapies and caring care.

However, Dr. Dubey’s influence goes beyond her stellar credentials. Her commitment to cancer care encompasses advocacy, research, and a strong conviction in the influence of awareness.